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The Innocence of Children in the One Global Family

This story was shared with my by my friend, Dave Chapman, who has been serving as a missionary in the Dominican Republic with his wife, Sandy, for over ten years. I visited them on a writing retreat in 2018. Read more stories of their adventures on their blog.

I have a little story that says more about the reliability of my own intuition and perceptions than it says about the Dominican Republic.

Motorcycle Diaries: Friday the 13th Motorcycle Rally (video)

My cheeks hurt. Not because of dental surgery, but because I can't stop smiling. I just got back from the Friday the 13th motorcycle rally in Port Dover, Ontario. I can't believe I rode for years and never made it before. This time I took a day off work, grabbed my camera, and had a fabulous day! Peace overflows abundantly on days like today, when thousands of people — most of them strangers, in leather, riding motorcycles — share friendship and love.

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