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CryPeace's founder shares what gives her hope

This week, I was invited to give a Facebook Live interview to share some of the stories and experiences I've had travelling in pursuit of peace. I had the chance to explain what motivated me to start CryPeace, some of people who have particularly touched and inspired me, and my hopes and dreams for the future. Brief highlights include:

  • I started CryPeace when I realised that even with a camera, pen, and website, I could still make a difference to the world by sharing stories of the genocide in Rwanda. That vision has since expanded in to a global cry for peace.
  • Some of the most heartbreaking stories I've been entrusted with are from street boys and orphans in Kampala, Uganda. Some of them suffered terribly as former abducted child soldiers for the Lord's Resistence Army. Two of them I've stayed in touch with are doing well, and both love storytelling, I think because they felt so empowered when CryPeace asked for their stories. Sam has graduated from art school and is spending precious money he scrapes together to rent cameras and airtime to upload videos for CryPeace. I am so proud of him! Follow Crypeace to see his videos in the new year.
  • If money was no object, I'd love to use webcameras to envision a reunited Israel and Palestine, and a digital installation of the wall at UN Plazas to advocate for it.
  • My dream is to spend 12 months in 12 radically different places around the world, sharing how people live or bring peace to Harlem New York, First Nations communities in Canada, traditional tribal villages in Panama, monasteries in France, rural Kenya now armed against extremists, and more.

Friends, never confuse money with riches, and never believe that your efforts are too small to make a difference. They already are to your family and friends.

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