Rev. Fredrick Kisitu is a very loving man. He pastored in a slum in Kampala for years, then started a school for disadvantaged children when he retired. But he didn't know that peace included his Muslim neighbours until he made friends with a Muslim at our CryPeace workshop.
Rev. Kisitu shares,
"That seminar actually changed me so much, talking about peace at home, peace with our neighbours, peace even with enemies, and everybody. Now I'm so grateful, because I'm really changed. I love my neighbours without discrimination. I love Muslims, I love Catholics, and even non-believers, and I'm very, very, very, very happy! Praise God!"
Amen, Rev. Kisitu!
It is our hope - and mission - that all children grow up knowing that we are all brothers and sisters, siblings in the One Global Family. And now, through Rev. Kisitu's school, 162 more children will grow up with love for their neighbours, whatever their background. If one student acts unlovingly towards another, their peers challenge them, asking, "Are you a peacebuilder?"
We are grateful that the Kisitus have partnered with us to transform lives, one child at a time. We invite you to join us. Together, let's raise a generation for peace.
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