Grafitti on the Israeli security wall of a person kneeling, with upstretched hands, before a large, painted red heart that is broken in two. Its pathos is palpable.

Let's be soldiers in the army of love

Our hearts break at the escalation of the war in Gaza. Violence begets violence; peace is the only option. Let's be comrades in the ground force of love.

Cries of Joy

When we win victories, we have to celebrate - as on the 10th anniversary of UNSCR 1325 on women, peace and security.
"Let's dream out loud how to support peace"

Rallying Cry

"If you want peace, work for justice" (Pope John Paul II). Writing a message for peace on the Israeli security wall.
Ugandan youth shares his testimony

Crying Tears

When you hear a testimony like this youth's from Uganda, sometimes all you can do is cry.

Latest News

I was excited to meet Milcah Kizitu this month. She joined our peace education movement last year from a training workshop our local coordinators, Chrispo and Joshua, led. I'll let Milcah share what happened next in her own words.       After the workshop, I started preaching... (more)
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peace education
Rev. Fredrick Kisitu is a very loving man. He pastored in a slum in Kampala for years, then started a school for disadvantaged children when he retired. But he didn't know that peace included his Muslim neighbours until he made friends with a Muslim at our CryPeace workshop. Rev. Kisitu shares, "... (more)
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Today, I had a meeting with Joshua Oyergiu, our peace partner in Uganda. We are planning how to expand our peace program in 2025. When Joshua started sharing from his heart how relevant our peace curriculum is to his students, and how he wished everyone, young and old alike, had the... (more)
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peace education
Why ever war? That's a question Larry Gibbs has been asking himself ever since he saw this military cemetery in Sainte Avold, France, when he was eleven years old. Larry shares, "This is one of our family photos of Sainte Avold Cemetery in France. I was not quite 12 years old when we visited it in... (more)
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Canada, France
It's a somber day - April 7, 2024. It's the 30th anniversary of the day when all hell broke loose against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Within 100 days, over one million Tutsis, and their Hutu allies, were dead. Killed. In Rwanda. Please take a moment to remember them with me now. I am marking this... (more)
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The hardest thing I have seen yet in Kampala are the people subsisting off the Kiteezi Landfill. 1.2 tonnes of garbage are dumped here every day. It's bubbling with methane and unfit even for maribou storks to feed off of, but dozens of people subsist by scavenging for pig slop and selling... (more)
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