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One month ago, Michael Brown was shot dead in Ferguson, Missouri. That an unarmed black teenager was killed by a police officer charged to keep the peace is a tragedy. That tanks and tear gas were used to quell protests against the shooting in the democratic United States of America is a travesty. Listening to radio and TV reports, I felt as though I was living through the civil rights movement... (more)

We've heard a lot in the news recently about the unaccompanied migrant children from Latin America, who feel so threatened by gangs and violence at home that they make the treacherous journey to seek safety and asylum in the United States. The conditions that these children face at home is tragic; no one, let alone children, should face such day-to-day violence that they feel safer fleeing from... (more)

Nadine Gordimer, South African author and human rights defender, died yesterday, at age 90. A prolific writer, Gordimer published over 30 books, as well as short stories depicting the consequences of apartheid and alienation. Gordimer was a member of the African National Congress, fought for Nelson Mandela's release, and once it was realised, the two became good friends.   (more)

Are you rich? While your immediate answer may be based on how you compare to your neighbours, your aspirations, or how stressed you are at the end of the month, it's actually a much more complicated question. Take a moment to get in touch with what you identify as true riches, the kind that will matter at the end of your life, and ask yourself again - how rich are you? DSC053681200.jpg... (more)

My name is Josephine Murphy; I am glad to share my story with you because I know that I can use it to touch and change other people's lives. I wouldn't be the same person I am today without the things I have seen in my life. I hope that my story will help others to get stronger for whatever situation they are facing today. My twin sister and I are the 7th and 8th of 10 children not including 3... (more)

Gerald Caplan Globe and Mail Update Friday, Apr. 30, 2010   ...Last week I spoke at a memorial service at Tufts University in Boston. Jewish and Rwandan survivors and the granddaughter of Armenian survivors were joined by a survivor of the Cambodian killing fields for a deeply affecting evening. We first remember the past to honour the victims, and every one of the speakers lost a mind-numbing... (more)
