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Carole's Stories

Songs in the Night

My sister told me to look up a remarkable woman, Jane Marczewski, yesterday. I listened to her songs and wisdom all night. Her joyful vulnerability, as much as her beautiful ballad, "It's OK," won the hearts of the judges and audience of America's Got Talent in the summer of 2021.

Nous Sommes Ensemble - Producing a Song for Peace

It was the most fun and fulfilling thing I accomplished in the Congo – producing my first song for peace. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, a French-speaking country where I worked for six months, the most common phrase was "nous sommes ensemble" – "we are together." And we are. We share this world, and will enjoy peace and prosperity together or suffer together – the choice is ours. Although the effects are so disproportionate that those of us in the north may believe all is well, eventually pollution, poverty and conflict will touch us all, wherever we live.

The ever-living wisdom of Jean Vanier

Since I heard of him, Jean Vanier has been one of my beloved living saints. When I read “The Broken Body,” I felt like I was reading the next book in the Bible, the gospel in human frailty and poetry. When I heard his lectures on “Becoming Human,” his exhortation to individual freedom and global communion resonated as the global path to peace. Yes, the world could escape exclusion, and embrace the higher truth that we are one interdependent, global human family. We need this vision more urgently today than when Jean shared it in 1998.

50 years later: The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Divine providence brought me to Atlanta, Georgia today, April 4, 2018, exactly 50 years after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. King was born, raised and buried in Atlanta, although he became a civil rights activist in Montgomery, Alabama. I read his book, Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story, in preparation for this trip. It describes the formation and application of his nonviolent resistance philosophy in the civil rights movement’s first major action, the Montgomery bus boycott demanding desegregation of public transportation.

Pray for Peace in Jerusalem (video)

Three years ago, my heart pulled me to Israel and Palestine to experience the reality of this iconic conflict for myself, talk to Israelis and Palestinians, and search for ways to support peace. It is one of the hardest places I've ever been, where CryPeace means crying more tears and crying louder for justice than almost anywhere else. This week, as renewed tensions escalate over Jerusalem, my heart breaks that this city, holy to all three Abrahamic faiths, is a cause of hatred instead of love, violence instead of peace, war instead of worship.

Grateful on Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving, and I'm feeling grateful. I'm grateful for the anticipated joys of the weekend - spending time with family, friends, and a wonderful meal. It seemed extra special today, as we enjoyed the unseasonably warm sunny days we're enjoying this autumn in Canada outdoors enjoying nature.

Life needs more dancing!

After I met Ian and José Carlos on the beach, I took the shortcut over the rocks to the neighbouring beach. Rain and waves had churned up the water on this beach, and I sought calmer waters for a swim. I love swimming in the ocean; the buoyancy, quiet, and peacefulness are calming, and when there are waves I love body surfing. I always bring a mask and snorkel so I can float in a natural "serenity tank," or see whatever sea life is there to be found. But today, even on the calmer beach, I could barely see my hands in front of me.

The Peace "zone" is ever possible

I had the best day, and it's only 4pm! I find myself with an unexpectedly free afternoon and am wondering how to "spend" this gift of time. While I have many more Mexico stories to share, I want to share the joy of this day with you, while reminding myself that peace can be ever present. It is palpable to me today through intentional mindfulness and prayer. It's easy to be mindful and prayerful on a peace retreat — that's my sole purpose on retreat, and I can order my day around it, starting with meditation and prayer, then walking and speaking through my day with a wide open heart.


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